
Please sign your name at the end of your post, especially if you are using the communal email.
some text

Technicalities Etc.

A place for suggestions, discussions, assistance, and centralasis regarding the blog.

I've made some changes to the Blog format.  I put up a background image (Nesslin Lake, beach, circa 2005 - Ness Creek) and made the text scrolling without moving the background.  I also changed the font (by accident).  If anyone wishes to change anything more, please feel free.  If you would like to but don't know how, please reply to this post or post a new thread.  I will leave this on the main page for a week, then move it to a different section which will be only for technical related issues so as to keep this page focused on Graham.

Edit 2/28/2012:  It seems the most straight forward way is to use this "page" which does not support "posting" but supports only "comments". (What I am using is direct editing of the page, which is essentially one big post, hence no additional posting supported).  What does this boil down to?  If you have a question or comment, use the comment's box at the bottom.  You don't even need to log in, it can be done "anonymously."   But, please, do write your name if you leave a message.


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